Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 202 - The Visible Woman

From My Friend, Thedamnmushroom!

One hundred ninety-six days ago in telling the story about the Visible Man I've had since my early teen years, I mentioned having procured a Visible Woman in this decade. Here she is, naked to the world and without makeup. Yeah, I have been dragging my feet about getting down to the business of painting her innards; there's always something else to amuse myself with, damned Flickr.

I did however take the time to paint the veins and arteries on her shell (or the front and back and everyday middle -- haven't touched the pregnancy simulation middle), paint and glue her eyes into her skull, and glue together the organs that come in two pieces, plus assembled her skeleton -- and did a better job of cutting out the joint hinges this time than I did as a kid.

The Visible Woman comes with parts to simulate being pregnant. Which is kind of a trip since I know for a fact that The Visible Man does not have gonads.

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