Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barack Obama's America



Unknown said...

It seems the demogogic party has crowned themselves a prince who wants to be king, and like other kings in the past, this one has no experience and a court full of jesters. He is promising things that a few months ago he was against (lower taxes for one). Hell, he has 30 years less management experience than I do. Are these people serious? And the fact he wants to be king scares the hell outta me.

◄DRB► said...

What fries me is that he has Bill and Hillary supporting him now and Joe Biden as his running mate!

Six months ago they all said that he didn't have enough experience to run the country! But now he does? What has he done in the last 6 months that now qualifies him?

He's spent less than 200 days in the US Senate and half of that has been running for president!

He wants to make everybody equal by lowering us all to the lowest common denominator! Take from the rich and make everybody dependents of the government!

God Help Us If He Wins!!!

Anonymous said...

Even the honorable governor from Alaska has more experience. Years more in some form of government or another, and she has been battling the system to get rid of corruption, while the prince has been part of the corruption. Look it up folks.

◄DRB► said...

She has at least run a city as mayor and a state as governor for a total of 13 years. The democrats messiah has not even run a lemonade stand!!

She has strong conservative values, something lacking in the Republican party lately!

We are watching history in the making here. Regardless of who is elected we are going to see the first senator elected President since JFK and we are either going to have the first black President or the first female Vice President.

We live in interesting times!!!