Sunday, September 28, 2008

Remember When David Letterman Was Funny?

Remember his old daytime talk show "The David Letterman Show" in 1980? When he used to be creative, original and even funny. His guest shots on the Johnny Carson Show were classics...and pretty damn funny. Seems like he's gotten bitter since losing that job to Jay Leno and he's gone downhill ever since. Now he thinks he's Jon Stewart or Bill Mahar. Are his ratings so weak that he can't be funny anymore and now he has to be politically correct? You know that if Barack Obama had dumped him for Katy Couric, Dave would have been praising him saying how devoted he is to his country and he'd look forward to having him another time! I'll never watch another Letterman show. In fact, I'm getting sick and tired of the Hollywood Elite bashing everything and anything conservative. I don't watch movies and TV in general to be berated for my political views or to be told how I should think. I watch to be entertained. I find myself watching less and less TV every day and Hollywood doesn't give a fuck. As long as the Neilson Ratings are gathered along the liberal east and west coast strongholds they'll never realize how they are alienating the heart of the country. Well I'm sick of it!! I'm sick of the the liberal media. I'm sick of the Socialist politicians who want to "Redistribute" the nations wealth and nationalize health care.


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