Saturday, July 31, 2004

To leech or not to leech

Hey man, ya gotta smoke?

Yo, can I bum a smoke from ya?

Got any spare change?

Got an extra smoke?
No, I don't fucking smoke!
Wise choice man!
(I smoke like a damn chimney!)

Do I look like Phillip Morris or the Salvation Army?

Friday, July 30, 2004

Fucking Geeks

Greetings Carbon Based Unit!

WTF is that? I'm waiting for the bus and some gomer comes up and actually says that to me! This means that there are people running around loose thinking that their DND game is real life!! It's only a game you play in your damn basement! No wonder we're becomming a 3rd world country.

I'll take REAL LIFE for a thousand Alex!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Rules, we don't need no stinkin' rules...

OK, I have a Suzuki Samurai POS. Broken down at the moment. I toiled all day Sunday, got filthy dirty  and replaced the fuel pump hoping to be done in time for work!

No such luck! So I calls work to tell them that I am without transportaion and won't be in! Now in Utah (the Zion Curtain) we have state holiday on Saturday, thus making the weekend a "Party" weekend.Thus the rules at work are, pertaining to said party weekend (see above) that if you call in you must return with a Dr.'s note!

It has been like searching for the Holy Grail trying to find a Dr. that will write a note excusing my car from work. It's tough being an uneducated street person!!

The beat goes on.

I not wearing my underwear 
                                       -  Rainman

Let loose the dogs of war...

Once again I have been confronted with the dredge of society. A man that is nothing more than human debris. A type of man that deserves no quarter, a piece of garbage that deserves nothing better than to be flayed and left to the buzzards!

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Thela Hun Ginjeet

When virgins are outlawed, only outlaws will have virgins!

Somebody send me a God Damn YOO-HOO

I can not be bought!!

Tonight's the big night! My skills of judging young, tender, nubile titty skin covered by a sheer "wife beater" t-shirt and being soaked to the nipples will be put to the test!! Although my vote can not be bought, I certainly can be "presuaded."

Friday, July 23, 2004


I wonder why more people don't use public transportation? Could it be because it's so damn undependable?  Yes, I think so!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

What Unapologetic can give me for my birthday

How many candles??

Would you get me one of
these, but with your tits?
Or one of these with a picture of your ass.

But if you're too shy for any of that then here is the perfect gift. If you love me you'll get me one, they're legendary !!

Here come da judge

I'm going to judge a wet T-Shirt contest this weekend. This could be good for my career. I'm so "Excited"

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I've been working graveyards lately after 13 years of swing shifts. I work in a psych hospital and it's kind of boring. I'm used to my patients being awake and raising hell. I miss interacting with 'em. I'm tempted to wake someone up to have someone to talk with! NOT A GOOD IDEA!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

In love from 2000 miles?

Is this possible? I have been chatting with a gal that lives some 2000 miles away from me. This has gone on for about 8 or 9 months. She claims that she has fallen in love with me. Is this possible? To me there is more to love. For me, being close to someone is a big part of falling in love. The visual interaction is very important. I don't mean looks, I'm not that shallow. But the way that they act, walk, flirt, get frustrated, show anger and happyness (happieness?). I mean these are things that will certainly play a big part in turning you off from someone isn't it? Listening to someone laugh, talk, play word games with you, yell, and snore. Aren't these things part of the total package? The package that you are supposedly in love with yet have no idea what they look and sound like!

Or am I looking to deep into something that others see as trivial?

People Just Don’t Care

What is wrong with people today? I’ll tell you. “They Don’t Fucking Care!”

I called my cell phone service trying to get help. My question couldn’t be answered. It wasn’t complicated. It involved a service they provide for god’s sake. The 1st tier “I’m all happy and smiles” customer service person had no idea what I was talking about. So I got sent to “Technical Service.” I was told my problem was not of a “Technical” nature and they couldn’t help me. I hung up in frustration.

Recently my paycheck has been garnished. I made a payment to the bank whom I owed the money thus satisfying the debt. The law firm received word too late to not garnish my next check. So they owed me a refund. I was called and told that the check was ready to pick up, which I did soon after the call. I’m on the road back home, 30 miles south, when I open the envelope filled with legal documents and the check. Get this. They gave me a check from my employer, written out to them then on the back it was endorsed, in pen – by hand “Pay to the order of ME.” I instantly smell trouble. I call the law firm to find out which bank they use so that I could stop there and perhaps cash the check. NO DICE. I go to the bank that my employer uses…trying to cash their check…NO DICE. I call the lawyer back and ask him why he didn’t keep that check and issue me one of the firm’s checks. He tells me that second party endorsements are done all the time, there shouldn’t be a problem. He refused to issue me a check in my name. I told him that I don’t have a checking account. I won’t use one because I think that banks are thieves and basically have a license to steal using the excuses of FEE’s and Handling Charges. What the hell. This guy/firm just didn’t care. They got their legal fees and had me out the door. What legal firm would send someone out the door with a damn 2 party check?

I’ve about had it!!!

Monday, July 12, 2004

A Real Thank You

Well, I'm still getting used to the way this all works. My previous entry labeled Thank You was overwritten with what is there now. My original post was kind of like this:

I want to take a minute to say thank you to all the men and women who are or have ever served in the military. The sacrifices you have made for those of us who live under the umbrella of protection you provide can never be repaid. Your bravery and unselfish actions are the real reason you are heroes and are the people that everyone should look up to for role models. You and your families will never be forgotten nor taken for granted!!!


Friday, July 09, 2004


So, let's start something here. Point by Point. WAR!!

Our interventions in the Middle East have been a long time in the works. We actually should have gone in and cleaned house when the Marine barracks was bombed October 23rd, 1983 and 243 U.S. soldiers died. We should have started our War On Terrorism on Halloween night that year. We most likely never would have had to deal with these followup attacks on Americans:

1993 February 26th. - USA, New York City, World Trade Center building: a car bomb exploded in the basement garage; 6 people were killed and at least 1,000 others injured

1993 October 23rd. - Lebanon, Beirut: suicide terrorist drove a truck loaded with TNT into the American Marine Headquarters where it exploded, at least 161 Marines died, 75 were injured

1995 November 13th. - Saudi Arabia, Riyadh: a car bomb exploded at a U.S.-run military training facility; 7 people, including 5 American advisers to the Saudi National Guard were killed, more than 60 injured.

1996 June 25th. - Saudi Arabia, Dharan, King Abdul Aziz Air Force Base, Khobar Tower: around 10:30 pm a 40-foot tanker truck containing at least 5,000 pounds of explosives was parked about 100 feet away from the dormitory building and was detonated moments later; 19 Americans died, and an estimated 300 people were injured.

1998 August 7th. - Kenya, Nairobi, U.S. Embassy: in a bomb explosion 213 people died and 4,500 were injured

1998 August 7th. - Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, U.S. Embassy: bomb explosion; 11 people died and 85 were injured

Then the USS Cole...then 9/11

Far too many dead US Service Men and Women.

Far too many dead Americans.

And what has been our response prior to 9/11/01. Either we have put our tails between our legs and run (Beirut and Somalia) or we've bombed some tents in the desert or aspirin factories. Thrown some cruise missals at soft military targets. We were the laughing stock of the world long before the events of the last 18 months.

This has ALL led to our invasion of Iraq and the place we are now, beginning with Kuwait. Yes, that was a war over oil. The free flow of oil at market prices. Along with making sure that the thug Saddam Hussein was not going to hold the world hostage with a great portion of the worlds oil in his control. We also help oust this tyrant from Kuwait, preventing him from further raping and pillaging the people and treasures of Kuwait.

Next Came the "Cease-Fire" treaty. This was not a SURENDER treaty.

This one single point of FACT has made it legal and moral for our invasion of Iraq, as they continued to fire on our planes almost on a daily basis. He never honored the cease-fire agreement. This is absolutely no need to have any further debate things such as WMD, the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, aiding terrorists, regarding our military incursion into Iraq. We did nothing for 8 years of the Clinton administration plus the 9 months that Bush did nothing in his we are fight for our freedom and our liberty.

No matter what your argument, what we are doing is right and just, left wing, right wing, conservative or liberal...we are all Americans and in a fight for our way of life!!

Monday, July 05, 2004

Thank You


I really want to start blogging. I don't know if I want to keep up a topical "Current Event" type of blog or a kind of diary blog. I don't have much of an interesting life to keep abreast of, and I do have an opinion on just about everything. So, I'll start off with a topic that has my interest and post an occasional life happening when something good comes down the pipes.

Right now the only thing that I've been beating my chest over is the conflict in the middle east. Our WAR on terrorism, the Jewish/Palestinian situation, and the current relations with the Saudi's.

This will all have to wait for the time being as I have to work on a broken vehicle!! In the mean time visit this little WEB Page