Friday, July 09, 2004


So, let's start something here. Point by Point. WAR!!

Our interventions in the Middle East have been a long time in the works. We actually should have gone in and cleaned house when the Marine barracks was bombed October 23rd, 1983 and 243 U.S. soldiers died. We should have started our War On Terrorism on Halloween night that year. We most likely never would have had to deal with these followup attacks on Americans:

1993 February 26th. - USA, New York City, World Trade Center building: a car bomb exploded in the basement garage; 6 people were killed and at least 1,000 others injured

1993 October 23rd. - Lebanon, Beirut: suicide terrorist drove a truck loaded with TNT into the American Marine Headquarters where it exploded, at least 161 Marines died, 75 were injured

1995 November 13th. - Saudi Arabia, Riyadh: a car bomb exploded at a U.S.-run military training facility; 7 people, including 5 American advisers to the Saudi National Guard were killed, more than 60 injured.

1996 June 25th. - Saudi Arabia, Dharan, King Abdul Aziz Air Force Base, Khobar Tower: around 10:30 pm a 40-foot tanker truck containing at least 5,000 pounds of explosives was parked about 100 feet away from the dormitory building and was detonated moments later; 19 Americans died, and an estimated 300 people were injured.

1998 August 7th. - Kenya, Nairobi, U.S. Embassy: in a bomb explosion 213 people died and 4,500 were injured

1998 August 7th. - Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, U.S. Embassy: bomb explosion; 11 people died and 85 were injured

Then the USS Cole...then 9/11

Far too many dead US Service Men and Women.

Far too many dead Americans.

And what has been our response prior to 9/11/01. Either we have put our tails between our legs and run (Beirut and Somalia) or we've bombed some tents in the desert or aspirin factories. Thrown some cruise missals at soft military targets. We were the laughing stock of the world long before the events of the last 18 months.

This has ALL led to our invasion of Iraq and the place we are now, beginning with Kuwait. Yes, that was a war over oil. The free flow of oil at market prices. Along with making sure that the thug Saddam Hussein was not going to hold the world hostage with a great portion of the worlds oil in his control. We also help oust this tyrant from Kuwait, preventing him from further raping and pillaging the people and treasures of Kuwait.

Next Came the "Cease-Fire" treaty. This was not a SURENDER treaty.

This one single point of FACT has made it legal and moral for our invasion of Iraq, as they continued to fire on our planes almost on a daily basis. He never honored the cease-fire agreement. This is absolutely no need to have any further debate things such as WMD, the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, aiding terrorists, regarding our military incursion into Iraq. We did nothing for 8 years of the Clinton administration plus the 9 months that Bush did nothing in his we are fight for our freedom and our liberty.

No matter what your argument, what we are doing is right and just, left wing, right wing, conservative or liberal...we are all Americans and in a fight for our way of life!!

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