Tuesday, July 13, 2004

People Just Don’t Care

What is wrong with people today? I’ll tell you. “They Don’t Fucking Care!”

I called my cell phone service trying to get help. My question couldn’t be answered. It wasn’t complicated. It involved a service they provide for god’s sake. The 1st tier “I’m all happy and smiles” customer service person had no idea what I was talking about. So I got sent to “Technical Service.” I was told my problem was not of a “Technical” nature and they couldn’t help me. I hung up in frustration.

Recently my paycheck has been garnished. I made a payment to the bank whom I owed the money thus satisfying the debt. The law firm received word too late to not garnish my next check. So they owed me a refund. I was called and told that the check was ready to pick up, which I did soon after the call. I’m on the road back home, 30 miles south, when I open the envelope filled with legal documents and the check. Get this. They gave me a check from my employer, written out to them then on the back it was endorsed, in pen – by hand “Pay to the order of ME.” I instantly smell trouble. I call the law firm to find out which bank they use so that I could stop there and perhaps cash the check. NO DICE. I go to the bank that my employer uses…trying to cash their check…NO DICE. I call the lawyer back and ask him why he didn’t keep that check and issue me one of the firm’s checks. He tells me that second party endorsements are done all the time, there shouldn’t be a problem. He refused to issue me a check in my name. I told him that I don’t have a checking account. I won’t use one because I think that banks are thieves and basically have a license to steal using the excuses of FEE’s and Handling Charges. What the hell. This guy/firm just didn’t care. They got their legal fees and had me out the door. What legal firm would send someone out the door with a damn 2 party check?

I’ve about had it!!!

1 comment:

◄DRB► said...

That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!!